1968 World Surfing Championship

1960s Classics 34 mins 1968
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 31 ratings

The 1968 World Surfing Championships took place November 7-14, 1968 at Rincon Puerto Rico. It was the first time that the short board was widely used in Championship Surfing. It also was the last time that Surfers represented their countries-until the 2020 Summer Olympics.

Fred Hemmings, Margo Oberg, Wayne Lynch

Movie Details
Synopsis The 1968 World Surfing Championships took place November 7-14, 1968 at Rincon Puerto Rico. It was the first time that the short board was widely used in Championship Surfing. It also was the last time that Surfers represented their countries-until the 2020 Summer Olympics.
Athletes Fred Hemmings, Margo Oberg, Wayne Lynch, David Nuuhiwa, Nat Young, Midget Farrelly, Russell Hughes, Mike Doyle, Reno Abellira, Sharron Weber, Johnny Fain, Ben Aipa, Phyllis O'Donell
Genres 1960s Surf Classics, Surfing Competiton, Surfing Event Coverage
Director Larry Lindberg
Studio Larry Lindberg Films
Rating not rated
Runtime 34 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions English, English
Stream HD | 1920x1080